PYS Associates, LLC - Bridging Global Markets – New International Consultancy for China, Asia and the U.S.
(Coral Springs, FL U.S.A.) Philip Y. Shen PhD, recently retired from more than 20 years with Leggett & Platt, a Fortune 500 Company, where he was the President of L&P Asia Pacific. Shen announces the launch of his new international consultancy boutique PYS Associates, LLC to represent clients in the area of cross-border investment and marketing where cross-cultural knowledge and skills are essential. Timing is crucial according to Shen, “During the next 5 to10 years, we expect to see a good amount of Asian investment coming into the United States. We also expect to see branding and marketing efforts stepped up. Thus bi-directional trade and commerce is where our company focus will be."
Shen is well known in a variety of industries globally, particularly in the Asia Pacific region where his pioneering efforts in business development, sales and marketing, sourcing and manufacturing, mergers and acquisitions, licensing and cross-cultural negotiations have created a host of strategic alliances that have bridged global markets over the past two decades. Shen continued “We are in a position, as a boutique international consulting firm, to assist small and medium size companies in bridging the global markets, utilizing our local know-how and regional associates."
Since 2004, Shen has published a well-received, in-depth monthly publication, China Insights, which reports on a variety of topics important to business development and bi-directional trade. Recipient of various awards including The President’s E Star Award for Export Excellency and the Florida Council of International Business Development’s International Business Men of the Year Award, Shen also sat on the board of the U.S. Secretary of Commerce’s District Export Council for a number of years. He currently serves on the board of China Direct Industries, a NASDAQ company.